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Zanril Arroway

Race: human (depending on rp)

Age: 21

Height 6'3

Weight: 180

Eyes: Crimson.

Hair: Refer to picture.

S/O: Straight

Likes: Kind people, intelligent conversation, music, listening, art

Dislikes: Rude people, ignorance, large crowds.


Background: (Can be changed based on RP)

Zanril is a lonely person. He grew up with both his parents working all the time. He studies  hard as always as he comes froma prominent, wealthy family. Even with all the weath he could ever want, it isn't what brings him joy. Even as a kid growing up  he never really knew what happiness or joy was, and it continued as  he got older, spending more and more time on studies and knowledge, athletics even.  He pretends to be happy and smiles a lot and laughs trying to find that happiness he is looking for. He never had a real friend beause people tried to get close to him for his families money. He walled himself off from people. He will be friendly, but you can't be sure you're actually important to him.

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